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When you are not well-off, then it’s very difficult to convince subconscious mind that you will always have plenty of wealth. On one side you are struggling to make ends meet and on another side, you are wishing for more than the required wealth. You want your subconscious power to develop on your wish. Before that wish passed to the subconscious mind, your own consciousness creates obstacles by showing you the current reality.
There are men and women around you, who work a few hours a week and making fabulous sums of money. Do not believe the story that the only way you can become wealthy is by hard labor. It is not so; the effortless way of life is the best. Do the thing you love to do and do it for the joy and thrill of it.
Wealth is simply a subconscious conviction on the part of the individual. You will not become a millionaire by saying, “I am a millionaire, I am a millionaire.” You will grow into a wealth consciousness by implementing ideas of wealth and abundance.
(Excerpt is from one of my all-time favorite “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy, which was first published in 1963.)
Invisible Means Of Support
The trouble with most people is that they have no invisible means of support. They seem helpless when business falls away, the stock market drops, or they lost their investments. The reason for such insecurity is that they do not know how to tap the subconscious mind. They are unaware of the inexhaustible storehouse within.
A man with a poverty-type mind finds himself in poverty-stricken conditions. Another man with a mind filled with ideas of wealth is surrounded by everything he needs. It was never intended that man should lead a life of pennilessness. You can have wealth, everything you need, and plenty to spare. Your words have the power to cleanse your mind of wrong ideas and to inculcate the right ideas in their place.
Method to Build A Wealth Consciousness
This is what you should do: Repeat for about five minutes to yourself three or four times a day, “Wealth – Success.” These words have tremendous power. They represent the inner power of the subconscious mind. You are not saying, “I am wealthy,” you are dwelling on real powers within you. There is no conflict in the mind when you say, “Wealth.” Furthermore, the feeling of wealth will well up within you as you dwell on the idea of wealth.
The feeling of wealth produces wealth; keep this in mind at all times. Your subconscious mind is like a bank, a sort of universal financial institution. It magnifies whatever you deposit or impress upon it whether it is the idea of wealth or of poverty. Choose wealth.
“Use the power of your conscious and subconscious mind to create a vibrational match for the abundance you desire and deserve.” – Jack Canfield
Why Affirmations For Wealth Fail
Joseph Murphy shared the experience of his talk to many people during the past thirty-five years whose usual complaint is, “I have said for weeks and months, ‘I am wealthy, I am prosperous,’ and nothing has happened.” He discovered that when they said, “I am wealthy, I am prosperous,” they felt that they were lying to themselves.
One man told him, “I have affirmed that I am prosperous until I am tired. Things are now worse. I knew when I made the statement that it was obviously not true.” His statements were rejected by the conscious mind, and the very opposite of what he superficially affirmed and claimed was made manifest.
Your affirmation succeeds best when it is specific and when it does not produce a mental conflict or argument; hence the statements made by this man-made matter worse because they suggested his lack. Your subconscious accepts what you really feel to be true, not just idle words or statements. The dominant idea or belief is always accepted by the subconscious mind.
Avoid Mental Conflicts
The following is the ideal way to overcome this conflict for those who have this difficulty. Make this practical statement frequently, particularly prior to sleep: “By day and by night I am being prospered in all of my interests.” This affirmation will not create any argument because it does not contradict your subconscious mind’s impression of financial lack.
The above suggestion was taken up by one businessman whose sales and finances were very low and who was greatly worried. He sits down in his office, becomes quiet, and repeats this statement over and over again: “My sales are improving every day.” This statement engaged the cooperation of the conscious and subconscious mind; results followed.
How to Make It Happen
You might be saying, “Oh, I did that and nothing happened.” You did not get results because you indulged in fear thoughts perhaps ten minutes later and neutralized the good you had affirmed. When you place a seed in the ground, you do not dig it up. You let it take root and grow. Suppose, for example, you are going to say, “I shall not be able to make that payment.” Before you get further than, “I shall…” stop the sentence and dwell on a constructive statement, such as, “By day and by night I am prospered in all my ways.”
Your subconscious mind is never short of ideas. There is within it an infinite number of ideas ready to flow into your conscious mind. These ideas will appear as cash in your wallet in countless ways. This process will continue to go on in your mind regardless of whether the stock market goes up or down, or whether the value of the rupee goes up or down. Your wealth is never truly dependent on bonds, stocks or money in the bank; these are really only symbols necessary and useful, of course, but only symbols.
The point to emphasize is that if you convince your subconscious mind that wealth is yours and that it is always circulating in your life, you will always and inevitably have it, regardless of the form it takes.
Control Envious Emotion
‘Envy’ is one emotion that keeps many people away from wealth. For example, if you see your neighbor or friend depositing large sums of money in the bank and you have only a small amount to deposit, does it make you envious? The way to overcome this emotion is to say to yourself, “Isn’t it wonderful! I rejoice in that man’s prosperity. I wish for him greater and greater wealth.”
Entertaining envious thoughts is devastating because it places you in a very negative position; therefore, wealth flows from you instead of to you. If you are ever annoyed or irritated by the prosperity or great wealth of another, repeat immediately that you truly wish for him or her greater wealth in every possible way. This will neutralize the negative thoughts in your mind.
Way Ahead (A Lullaby)
As you go to sleep at night, practice the following technique. Repeat the word, “Wealth,” quietly, easily, and feelingly. Do this over and over again, just like a lullaby. Lull yourself to sleep with the one word, “Wealth.” You should be amazed at the result. Wealth should flow to you in avalanches of abundance. Your subconscious mind will dwell on “Wealth” and suggest you some actions. Just go ahead and take those actions. Sometimes it’s not your first action, which will give you results but series of such actions sure!