Table of Contents
Enhancing personal productivity is always a key focus area. Nowadays there are so many things which distract you and eat away your precious time. This includes repetitive news feeds, social media feeds, web series, etc. The majority of these feeds are just time wasters. It’s not that useful content is not available on these platforms. But what is happening is, you start watching or reading useful content but soon land up to non-useful content and then waste a lot of time in that.
“You can do anything, but not everything.” – David Allen
So, to avoid this and remain productive, you can adopt the following strategies which are inspired by ‘6 figures 6 months’ by Peter Voogd-
1# Protect Focus
Everyone is fighting for your focus. Too many people are stealing your attention. Don’t be so generous in giving it to them—unless it’s for something that truly matters to you. So, clean out the distractions in your workspace and personal life. You might be knowing that Special Forces on a military mission are kept in isolation from other teams and denied access to TV/Newspapers/Internet. Why? To protect their focus so they deliver perfection on their goals. So please remember: Distraction is the greatest thief of time, and time is a non-renewable resource.
2# Stop Multi-tasking
The larger point here is that so few of us are fully present to the work on the activity in front of us. Even people who are with their spouse at dinner, checking their Twitter feed. Front desk employees at hotels review their emails and text message to their friends. People who have paid thousands of dollars to be at a seminar in the back of the room playing games online instead of participating. A huge competitive advantage falls to the one in 100 performers with the brilliance to develop the skill of becoming massively focused on the one thing in front of them.
3# Avoid Procrastination
Many of us procrastinate by waiting for ideal conditions to get big things done. Stop waiting for perfect conditions or the perfect timing to take action. Moving ahead and taking action is more important than just waiting and watching the perfect time. You want experiments, not perfection. The point is not like taking action in hurry but taking action instead of procrastination due to fear of failure.
4# Make Stop Doing List
Stop living week by week. A stop doing list is sometimes more important than a to-do list. Every productive person obsessively sets to-do lists. But those who play at a world-class level also record what they commit to stop doing. Steve Jobs said what made Apple successful was not so much what they chose to build, but all the projects they chose to ignore. Make a stop-doing list today.
5# Get In The Zone
Most people get distracted because distraction is physically addictive! Our brains love distraction. Every time you get distracted, your brain releases dopamine (the ‘feel good’ drug). So, when you see you have a new email or a new text message on your phone, or you get a notification from Words with Friends, letting you know it’s your turn, you drop everything to get your ‘dopamine fix.’ You are three times more productive when you’re in the zone, and you only get in the zone when you concentrate. You can get more done in 20 minutes of focus than three hours of distraction. Remember, focus is more important than intelligence.
6# Sell Yourself
The reason why most people can’t focus consistently is because they haven’t actually sold themselves on the task at hand or the goal they are trying to accomplish. By sold means, they have cut out the alternative. They know the importance of what they are doing and the purpose and ideal outcome they are seeking to attain. If you procrastinate, then you haven’t sold yourself on your goal or task yet. Don’t get yourself involved unless you are sold on the activity and its purpose in moving you forward. If you’re not sold on your significant other, then there is a good chance you’ll break up. What do you need to sell yourself on?
7# Show Up Energized
How you show up is exactly how your entire day unfolds. Show up with energy and strength and you will be more productive. A morning routine is crucial to creating a productive day. All the successful people start their morning in a very powerful way. Do your actions and thoughts in the morning set you up for a winning day, or ‘just another day?’ The goal is to get as much from the day as you can and not just to get through the day.
8# Practice Productivity
The more you PRACTICE what you know, the better you get. There’s the state of passively knowing something and then there’s the level of performance you attain when you consistently PRACTICE what you know.
Professional basketball players know how to shoot a free throw, but they still shoot them every day, over and over again, because they are committed to reaching a higher level of performance. Practice what you know over and over again because this is going to build your muscle memory, meaning if you practiced the technique relentlessly, a time will come when you perform it swiftly, elegantly, and unconsciously.
The same applies to your productivity. Practice doing work that matters and also practice sitting in one place for many hours focused on a single result. Practice running rituals and elite performance routines that will lift you up into the realm of world-class. Because, we both know, genius isn’t so much about genetics as it is about work ethics and sheer practice.
So examine your own life and incorporate these principles into your daily routine on your journey to your extreme achievement. These steps, if applied, will help you transform your productivity, performance, and lifestyle. This is just the beginning. Remember: It’s not what you know; it’s what you do with what you know. The actions you take regarding this information are where the real power of change and transformation resides.