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You are going to find one of the best health affirmation in this blog, which mesmerized me when I read that. I hope you will find this very helpful as well.
To get the best advantage of any affirmation, one must disconnect from his or her conscious thought. It is highly recommended to go into meditation or in the alpha stage i.e. stage when your subconscious mind is accepting thoughts without the interference of the conscious mind. In this stage below health affirmation will work as a boon to you. This affirmation is beautifully crafted by writer Harry W. Carpenter.
Anyone can clearly visualize the function of body parts through this. It’s like an interesting animated story, which is easy to remember. Visualize as this health affirmation sink into my subconscious mind—every part of it—naturally and deeply. The neurological pathways that are created are the only truths. Feel strongly about this.
“My subconscious mind is now completely receptive to all body-, mind-, and health-building suggestions. My subconscious mind accepts only suggestions that are positive and for my best good. These suggestions work within me day and night, 24 hours a day to make me stronger physically and emotionally…healthier and happier. They work within me while my body is awake or asleep, at all times. I now make the following suggestions mine. My subconscious mind eagerly accepts them for my conscious mind’s and subconscious mind’s best health and well-being.
Eating Healthy Food
I resolve to eat healthy foods and eat only enough to maintain my highest health and energy. I see myself eating healthful foods and in small quantities. I avoid sugar and white flour. I enjoy a sweet now and then but only in small amounts. I see myself refusing the second piece of candy. I easily control the number of sweets I eat. I refuse to keep eating just because the food tastes good. I control the quantity of food I eat. I eat a well-rounded, balanced diet. I picture myself eating lots of vegetables and fruits and leaving the table after I have eaten enough. I stop eating long before I feel full. I know that it takes about ten minutes to feel full so I stop long before I feel full at the table. My body shies from fatty foods. I feel good about myself because I now eat to maintain my highest health. It gives me a feeling of self-control. I see myself with abundant energy. I see this energy vibrating and sizzling throughout my body.
Infinite Intelligence Function
There is intelligence in me that created me from two tiny cells. This intelligence knows how to form bones and flesh and organs and the brain I think with. This intelligence still lives and functions in every cell of my body. This intelligence has a strong will for me to be healthy and live a useful and happy life. This intelligence is behind every activity in my body. It loves what it does and is happy to serve me. It functions every second, every day of my life. This intelligence provides me with everything I need to stay healthy. It provides my body with an immune system that keeps me healthy and fights off all foreign microbes that enter my body. It knows how to stop bleeding in cuts and it knows how to heal and grow new skin. This intelligence that permeates my body can manufacture any substance my body needs to be healthy and vibrant. It knows how to control all the functions going on in my body. This intelligence initiates and monitors the billions of functions that occur every second of my life throughout my body. I call on this inner intelligence to keep me healthy and vigorous. I allow this inner knowing to work for my physical and mental well-being. I thank this internal intelligence for serving me so well. I thank it over and over again and send it love.
Blood Circulation
I am relaxed and calm. My body is at rest. Relaxation allows my blood to flow freely throughout my body. I see and feel my blood coursing through my body bringing fresh nutrients to all my cells. I visualize it carrying everything my cells need to stay healthy. In my mind I see my blood carrying minuscule fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods to every cell. I also see my blood carrying away waste.
It keeps my cells healthy and my body clean. Older, tired cells gladly transcend life and leave my body so that only fresh, healthy cells remain. I am strong and well and vigorous now. I feel good. I see myself dancing joyfully. I feel love in every cell. I actually visualize tiny hearts of vibrating red representing love flowing through my veins blessing every cell. My blood flows easily through even my tiniest vein. I thank my blood for keeping my cells healthy in every part of my body. I thank it for making thousands of new blood cells every minute to maintain this flow of nutrients in and waste products out. I visualize happy faces on every cell in my body. My cells are happy and loved. I only send them positive energy in the form of thoughts.
Immune System
My immune system is magnificent. It remembers thousands and thousands of unwelcome microbes. When it encounters one, it sends messages to my subconscious mind and my subconscious mind sends an army of white cells, killer T-cells, B-cells, and all the rest of its arsenal. These cells destroy all unhealthy cells and microbes. My immune system then sends in macrophages to clean up. It is a miraculous system and it works automatically and naturally and it works for me 24 hours each day. I visualize this as a war zone—a war on all things that do not belong in my body. I visualize this action as a video game. The good guys blast away and rid the world of the bad guys. I see tiny Pac Men coursing through my veins and arteries eating up all those unwelcome cells, unhealthy cells, and microbes. I thank my immune system for the magnificent job it does 24 hours a day, year after year.
My happiness enhances and causes my immune system to perform even better. I know medical research has proven that good nature and joyfulness enhance my immune system. I, therefore, maintain a happy mood and keep up a good nature. Every time I am in my happiest mood I visualize a Happy Face symbol. I associate a Happy Face symbol with happiness. So every time I see or think about a Happy Face my immune system is invigorated, enhanced, and energized. Every time I see or visualize a Happy Face, my immune system is renewed and energized. Happy Faces keep me healthy and well.
Heart & Arteries
I now visualize my heart. It is a strong and durable and tough muscle. It pumps continuously and vigorously all day, day after day. I thank my heart for sending blood to every cell in my body. I thank it for beating rhythmically and forcibly. I can see it as a metronome that always keeps the perfect rhythm. My heart loves to pump blood and it does it joyously. I picture my heart as playful and enjoying the work it does. I can actually see a smile in the middle of it. It pumps effortlessly and happily. It pumps blood that purifies and energizes my body all day and all night. I thank it for serving me so well.
All the arteries that supply my heart with blood are relaxed and clear. The intelligence in me does not allow cells to condense and coalesce on the walls of these arteries. These arteries are wide open. I see them as plastic tubing. I can see the blood flow through them effortlessly, carrying life-sustaining oxygen and nutrients to my heart, which in turn thanks to the arteries.
Lungs & Bronchi
I now focus on my lungs. I actually see and hear and feel large volumes of air coming in and going out. I see the incoming air as white, vibrating, tingling energy. This energy is picked up by my blood and carried throughout my body. My lungs bring in this vital energy constantly and happily. I can see it and feel it. This energy tingles and invigorates me. I feel my entire body tingling with energy. I feel more rested and vital with every breath. Slow, even, deep, breathing relaxes me and comforts me. I feel like comforting well-being. I feel peace in my body. I thank my lungs for providing me with life and energy.
My bronchi are wide open and ignore all pollutants that flow in and out with the air. These microscopic foreign invaders are simply ignored and allowed to pass in and out. They are inert and my immune system ignores them because they part of my environment and are harmless to me now.
Digestive System
I now proceed to give strength and harmony to my digestive system. My stomach is strong, resilient and it rebuilds itself constantly. My stomach digests my food with ease. I maintain a happy attitude while I eat because it allows my stomach to work more efficiently. I assist my stomach by keeping a cheerful, buoyant spirit. I transfer this joyful, buoyant attitude to my stomach while I eat and after I eat while it is digesting the food. I visualize a sophisticated laboratory with beakers, and distillation bottles, and flasks, and all the other things used in an advanced biological laboratory. My digestive system manufactures the chemicals needed to digest my food and allow it to transverse to my blood where it travels to every cell in my body. All my cells are receiving these nutrients in the form they need. My digestive system does all of this effortlessly and with joy. I thank and bless my digestive system.
I visualize a special furnace that burns brightly and burns within me. I now visualize this furnace. I see the flames. I see reds, oranges, and yellows in the flames and in the reflections dancing off the walls and ceiling. I feel the heat. My muscles are metabolizing my nutrients. Food is used for energy. This energy is always available. I see someone tending the furnace. It is my subconscious mind. I notice that no matter how much fuel is put into the furnace it is burned up, causing the flames to dance higher and brighter. I recognize and associate the furnace as the metabolism continually going on in my body. The fuel is the food I eat, and the flames, the lovely dancing flames, signify energy. The food I eat is turned into vibrant, dynamic energy. Nothing is stored. I know my subconscious mind controls every cell, every organ every gland in my body. It controls and regulates my metabolism. I look again into the fire and notice a bed of embers. As I sleep at night these embers burn ridding my body of excess calories. Excess food is burned up. Excess calories are burned and escape as heat. My subconscious mind keeps only what is needed for my highest health and well-being. I thank my digestive system and my subconscious mind for controlling these processes effortlessly and joyfully.
Elimination System
My elimination system works in harmony with my digestive system. All unneeded waste products are flushed out by my blood and disposed of through my intestines. My intestines keep me supplied with nutrients and allow unneeded food to pass through easily and effortlessly. I thank my elimination system for working in harmony with my digestive system and for removing all toxins from my body. In order to assist this function, I drink lots of water. I visualize myself holding up a half-gallon container. It is empty because I drank all the water. Water is good for me. I reject drinking soda and other useless carbonated drinks and drink water instead. When I think of or see a can or bottle of soda, I picture a symbol of a circle with a slash across it. From now on I prefer water. My body is composed of over 70 % water. This body water needs to be continually replaced and refreshed. My body water is like a magnet that attracts fresh water. Consequently, I constantly feel an urge to drink water.
I visualize my kidneys as the most perfect filters ever made. They happily filter impurities from the fluids that nourish my entire body. I visualize dirty water passing through my kidneys and coming out pure and transparent. My kidneys keep my body fluids clean and pure. I thank them and send love to them in the form of a white, vibrating cloud of tingling energy. The cloud surrounds them and invigorates them and infuses them with vitality.
Joints & Organs
I now thank all of my joints for serving me well. I thank the intelligence in my subconscious mind that supplies them with lubricants. I visualize this now. I see myself with oil that can lubricate my knees and hips and all other joints with a super, unique lubricant. My joints are now agile and smooth working. I see a cushion between the bones and the lubricant penetrates this cushion and allows my joints to move freely and effortlessly and easily. I thank the intelligence in my subconscious mind for continuing to refurbish these cushions and keep my joints free to move effortlessly and easily.
I visualize all of my organs working together cheerfully, lovingly. We realize that we are all working together for our body, our good, our well-being. I thank my subconscious mind for controlling and regulating the millions of processes that go on in my body every moment. I see all of us working in harmony like a symphony orchestra. My subconscious mind is the conductor regulating the symphony. The music my body produces is the most beautiful music I have ever heard. It is fascinating; it is spiritual. All the musicians are playing together in harmony and at the correct beat. My body is a symphony orchestra. Synchronized, every part working in unison, producing melodic music. I hear my body’s song.
I accept and imprint this affirmation deeply on all levels and all locations in my mind. It is strong and overpowers all other thoughts and concepts about health. My subconscious mind accepts these concepts at every age level.”
“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear.” – Buddha