Table of Contents
Positive Affirmation is like a seed in your mind’s soil. As the seed grows in fertile soil, so do these affirmations in your subconscious mind. Here is the list of positive affirmations, which you can use to enhance your life.
(Source: book ‘52 Weekly Affirmations: Techniques to Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind’ by Dr. Joseph Murphy).
# Your Subconscious Mind
‘I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind. Whatever thought I consciously impress upon my subconscious, my subconscious will find a way to make happen. Strength, health, and goodness flow through me and all of those around me, and I wish the best for everyone I encounter throughout each and every day. I am thankful for all of the blessings bestowed upon me.’
For affirmations to be effective, you must believe in the power of belief. This affirmation helps build that belief, which then serves as the foundation on which all other affirmations are built.
# Your Conscious Mind
‘My conscious mind is the watchman at the gate, protecting my mind from false impressions. It rejects all thoughts that do not comply with the universal principles of health, love, wisdom, and abundance. It turns away any suggestions that pose a threat to my self-esteem. I am what I think, and through my conscious mind, I have total control over my thoughts. I choose to entertain thoughts of peace, joy, health, love, abundance, and goodwill to all.’
You may not have control over what happens to you in life, but you have total control over how you think about it. No person or event can make you feel angry, discouraged, envious, bitter, or inadequate. Your conscious mind can protect you by rejecting such thoughts. It is the gatekeeper.
# Your Life’s Purpose
‘The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life, and I follow the lead which comes clearly into my conscious, reasoning mind. It knows me intimately. It identifies my interests, knowledge, skills, talents, and passions and delivers opportunities to me that I am perfectly suited for and interested in. I accept opportunities and see that I am happy and productive in my work. I am in harmony with my supervisor and co-workers as we strive to achieve common goals. I am able to contribute value and use my mind creatively to discover valuable innovations for products, services, and processes. And I have compensated accordingly.’
Nearly everyone wants to live a “purpose-driven life,” but many have no idea what their purpose or station in life is or should be. Use this affirmation to pass the challenge along to your subconscious mind—the creative part of your mind that serves as a gateway to infinite intelligence. Your subconscious mind is the perfect placement service and will deliver a position that is the perfect fit.
# Habit of Happiness
‘Divine order takes charge of my life today and every day. All things work together for good for me today. This is a new and wonderful day for me. There will never be another day like this one. I am divinely guided all day long, and whatever I do will prosper. Divine love surrounds me, enfolds me, and enwraps me, and I go forth in peace. Whenever my attention wanders away from that which is good and constructive, I will immediately bring it back to the contemplation of that which is lovely and of good report. I am a spiritual and mental magnet attracting to myself all things, which bless and prosper me. I am going to be a wonderful success in all my undertakings today. I am definitely going to be happy all day long.’
# Claim a Better Future
‘I am filled with the free-flowing, cleansing, healing, harmonizing, vitalizing life of the Holy Spirit. My body is the temple of the Living God, and it is pure, whole, and perfect in every part. Every function of my mind and body is controlled and governed by Divine wisdom and Divine order.
I now look forward to a glorious future. I live in the joyous expectancy of the best. All of the wonderful God-like thoughts I am thinking now, this day, sink down into the subconscious mind like seeds into fertile soil. I know that when their time is ready, they will come forth as harmony, health, peace, opportunities, experiences, and events.
I now pass over from fear and lack to freedom in God and the abundant life. The God-man has risen in me. Behold! I make all things new!’
# Cure Yourself
‘My body and all its organs were created by the infinite intelligence in my subconscious mind. It knows how to heal me. Its wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones. This infinite healing presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect now. I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place now. Wonderful are the works of the creative intelligence within me.’
Your subconscious started your heartbeat, controls the circulation of your blood, and regulates your digestion, assimilation, and elimination. When you eat a piece of bread, your subconscious mind transmutes it into tissue, muscle, bone, and blood. It controls all the vital processes and functions of your body. If your subconscious mind can build you from scratch, it can certainly heal you and rid you of illness. As you change your mind by drenching it with incessant affirmatives, you change your body. This is the basis of all healing.
# Attract Money
‘I like money, I love it, I use it wisely, constructively, and judiciously. Money is constantly circulating in my life. I release it with joy, and it returns to me multiplied in a wonderful way. It is good and very good. Money flows to me in avalanches of abundance. I use it for good only, and I am grateful for my good and for the riches of my mind.’
The above affirmation is very helpful to improve your financial life. The urge of the life principle in you is toward growth, expansion, and more abundance. You are not here to live in a cottage, dress in rags, and go hungry. You should be happy, prosperous, and successful. Never criticize money or those who have plenty of it. Cleanse your mind of all weird and superstitious beliefs about money. Do not ever regard money as evil. If you do, you cause it to take wings and fly away from you. You lose what you condemn. You cannot attract what you criticize.
# Constant Supply of Money
‘I am one with the infinite riches of my subconscious mind. It is my right to be rich, happy, and successful. Money flows to me freely, copiously, and endlessly. I am forever conscious of my true worth. I give of my talents freely, and I am wonderfully blessed financially. It is wonderful!’
Recognizing the powers of your subconscious mind and the creative power of your thought or mental image is the way to opulence, freedom, and constant supply. Accept the abundant life in your own mind. Your mental acceptance and expectancy of wealth has its own mathematics and mechanics of expression. As you enter into the attitude of opulence, all things necessary for the abundant life will come to pass. Let this be your daily affirmation; write it in your heart.
# Prosper in All of Your Interests
‘By day and by night I am being prospered in all of my interests.’
Sometimes a simple affirmation is best—one that is not overly aggressive. In some cases, people repeat affirmations that conflict with their underlying beliefs, in which case the conscious mind rejects the affirmation as being untrue and never passes it along to the subconscious mind. For example, your conscious mind may reject an affirmation decreeing that you have received a million dollars, but it can accept as true an affirmation that you are being prospered in all of your interests.
# Wise Financial and Investment Decisions
‘Infinite intelligence governs and watches over all my financial transactions, and whatsoever I do shall prosper.’
If you are seeking wisdom regarding investments or are worried about your stocks or bonds, repeat this affirmation to instruct your subconscious to make wise investment decisions.” With the above affirmation, you will find that your investments will be wise; moreover, you will be protected from loss, as you will be prompted to sell your securities or holdings before any loss accrues to you.
# Recover from a Financial Setback
‘I have lost money. I will be productive again and make more money. I have learned a good lesson, which will ultimately pay me dividends. I have not lost my faith, confidence, or ability to rise and grow. I have much to offer and I am going to be a tremendous success again. God is the Source of my supply, and God’s wealth is circulating in my life. There is always a Divine surplus. God opens up the way for me to succeed in Divine order.‘
It is not what happens to you that matters so much; it is your thought about it, your reaction, which can be constructive or destructive. Use your imagination wisely, rebuilding in your mind a new pattern, seeing future possibilities, using the wings of faith and imagination to rebuild a better life. Success and wealth are products of your thoughts and beliefs.
I hope you find each positive affirmation very useful!
“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”~ Claude M. Bristol